April 19, 2012

April 12, 2012

All Work And No Pl....Shit, I'm Tired

Hi guys. Sorry I've been quite lately. We had a guy quit at work, so I've been covering his shifts. Which means working 60/70 hour weeks without days off. Which means I'm a little tired. But my friend Kaija got hired, and will be training in next week, so hopefully my life will calm down soon.

Anyways, one of the perks of working so much, is I have money. So I've done a little splurging lately. And you might say I've gone a little two wheel crazy. I'm sure you remember our crazy ass bike rides we go on during the summer, and some of you might remember my low rider cruiser bike that I have. If not, here's a picture.

And yes, my pedal is on the ground....

Anyways, so I'd been searching craigslist looking for another bike. I like the long one, but it can be a bit hard to ride. And now that I don't have my truck, it's hard to transport, considering it's a little over 8.5 feet long. And then I came across this:

A 1948 Western Flyer that was slightly customized by the previous owner. That thing is awesome, but it's been a little cold lately so we haven't had a big ride yet, and I don't know how it will do. I'm sure it'll be fine, and I've ridden around by myself, but it's different in the group setting, you know?

And now I've done it again, although this time, a little differently.

2001 Honda Shadow 750. Went and got my motorcycle permit last Friday, and bought the bike on Monday. I've ridden it around town some, and it's a blast. It wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be, but I have ridden dirt bikes in the past, so maybe that's why. Now if I can figure it out with my work schedule, I'm going to take a basic riders course and get my endorsement. With only my permit, I can't ride at night, on the highway, or with a passenger. I also have to wear a helmet (MN doesn't have helmet laws) but I'm going to do that even with my endorsement. The only thing that sucks, is that they only offer the course on nights and weekends. And I only work on nights and weekends. I'll have to call in some favors to get some time off or something. Hopefully. I could just go to the DMV and take the test, but I'll learn a lot from the class, and I think I'll do better. Too bad their schedule sucks. I mean, you would think they would offer at least one morning/afternoon class, but no. Fuckers.

So that's about all I've been up to lately. Working, and now bikes. Now I just need the weather to a little nicer, and I'll be able to ride them all more.

Hope you guys are well!

