Hey guys.
I wanna talk about something I haven't really talked about with anyone before. I guess you could say I'm rather sensitive about it.
My whole life I've always been on the heavier side. Not obese, but overweight. Currently, I'm 5'9" and 190 pounds.
January of 2009, I had two of my wisdom teeth removed, and had a bad reaction to the percocet. That, and my dentist over prescribed me, so I had an overdose. I threw up a lot, and couldn't eat for three days. Or drink water for two. In the end, I lost 15 pounds in 3 days. It wasn't fun, but I was actually happy with the results. I was down to 170-175.
I kept most of the weight off for a year, but come January 2010, I was back to around 185. Then I had surgery on my sinuses, and another overdose with the percocet (I've come to the conclusion that my body can't handle opiates. Good thing I was never a heroin addict). More vomiting, not eating, etc. After that weekend, I was back to 175ish, and I liked it.
Anyways, around this time I started accepting the fact that I was gay. It was weird at first, but finding blogland helped a lot. There was a point last year, and really up until a month or two ago, where I was in a depression about it. Not just gay, but that was the big part. I had my flirts with suicidal thoughts, but those went away after a bit. Anyways, I basically stopped caring, and gained the weight back. It was almost like I was punishing myself. Which doesn't make sense, since there's nothing wrong. But the mind does weird things.
So I just started eating whatever I wanted, and didn't care what I put into my body. Fast food, way too much pop, and not much exercise. Well, I've gotten tired of it. I saw a picture of myself earlier tonight from after my first 'overdose', and I want to go back to that. I don't like the way I look, and it's making me sad. I know the biggest thing that will help is to stop drinking pop, but I'm also worried about that. When I don't drink enough caffeine I get migraines. Which is why my pop intake has remained so high, at least five 20oz a day. I like coffee, but it's not the same. And I'm not a big fan of drinking coffee when it's really hot out.
But I've made a decision. I'm going to lessen my pop intake, and replace it with coffee, black. I've never liked sugar in my coffee, but usually cream. But I like it black too, and it's less calories that way. I'm going to try and eat healthier too. It'll be hard with work, because it's so easy to grab a candy bar or bag of chips, and it's easier to get fast food, than cook something and bring it to work. But I think if I talk to my mom about it, she'll help cook some things that I can bring.
I don't know. I just wanted to vent about this. It's been on my mind for a while, but like I said, I feel like I've been punishing myself, and just didn't care. Well I want to care. I don't want to die young. I should probably quit smoking too, but that'll be later. One step at a time.
They say that it takes 28 days of a new thing to become a habit. I don't know about that, but it's worth a shot. Even if I stop all the pop, without anything else, I'd probably loose weight.
I don't know why I'm telling you all about this. Why should you care? I'll stop now. Just wanted to get it out there.
And no, I don't want to overdose. As much as I liked the weight-loss, that shit fucking sucked. So don't worry about that. It's been a joke with my mom. Last winter I said, 'You know, I think it's getting about that time for another overdose.' Since I'd had one the past two winters. (She didn't think it was funny)